Simple Hack That You Can Do To Not Only Double Your Business Next Year In A Real Estate Or Sales Environment And Be In A Better Mood

Hoboken Realtor - Tips And Tricks

Would you like to double your business and be in a better mood every single day?

Guys, My name is Jeff Bonk from eXp Realty and Homes by Bonk. Today, we're going to talk about one simple hack that you can do to not only double your business next year in a real estate or sales environment, but also just live day to day in a better mood, and I'm really excited to share this with you today.

First, before I give this to you, I want to give a little context of where this came from. This is such a simple thing, but it's so impactful and so powerful. We're going to break it down in how it actually unfolds. I was lucky enough to do an interview with a top agent from around the country. Our brokerage has a certain level of sales that when you accomplish it, they have an interview process to get you qualified to get some new incentives and new things that they provide for hitting a certain sales goal.

I was talking to someone just a few days ago, and I asked her as part of the interview process, "What's the one thing you do that sets you up for success every day?" And this simple hack, this simple trick that she gave me, she's going to sell 70 homes next year just from this exercise, just from this simple thing she does every day. That bonus also puts her in a great mood. So double your business. We'll work through some of these numbers, be very conservative with them, but would 70 homes double your business?

I think it would. And would this simple hack put you in a good mood every day? I know it will. So here it is. Three compliments. Make sure to track it. Make sure to do it every day. Give out three genuine compliments every single day. Now how can that double your business? How can that put you in a good mood? Let's start with doubling your business. When you give out a compliment, that starts a conversation. Is real estate and sales not a contact game where you need to talk to more people?

Do you think that if you give out three compliments a day, that would be over 1,000 a year? Let's use 1,000 for round numbers. Do you think that maybe 20% of those compliments might end up in a conversation that goes beyond just that compliment and a thank you? That's 200 or so conversations. Do you think that maybe 10% of those, maybe 15%, would end up in a piece of business where someone would say, "I really appreciate that," start talking about the market, and all of a sudden become something that leads to a referral or a piece of business down the road?

I know it does because someone I know that I just talked to a few days ago is going to do 70 transactions she can trace back this year to doing compliments. She's been in the business three years. This isn't someone who's been doing it for 20, 30 years and has a huge database. So that's the number one thing, three compliments a day gets you to potentially double if not more your business, depending on where you are today. The second thing that does is increase your mood.

This is a simple one. Have you ever given a compliment to somebody and really seen how you felt after? You feel like you're walking on a cloud. You feel like you've just made someone's day brighter and then, in turn, selfishly made your own day brighter because you feel like you've added some type of contribution to somebody else. So not only is this something that's self-serving that puts you in a better mood, you've put someone else in a better mood and potentially can double your business based on this one simple thing. So guys, three compliments a day.

Track them, but they have to be genuine. That's the key. The example she gave was the cashier at the grocery store had a really cool hat on. She complimented him on his hat, and she's listing his parents' home next week. Insane, right? Try it. Try it on for size. I know I will. I've been giving this message out to my team the past few days. They're excited to get out there, and they're going to be put in a better mood. The number one thing a lot of people will tell you in a self-improvement world, when people are having a rough time or struggling hitting goals, is find someone else to go out there and help.

So find someone else to go out there and compliment. Find someone else to go out there and lift up. So this is that one thing you could do. Double your business, put yourself in a better mood, and the by-product would also be putting all the people around you in a better mood by just sharing compliments.

So guys, hope this is helpful. If you have any questions, reach out. And have a great day.