I Heard A Prediction That Is Worth Thinking About If You Are In The Market To Buy Or Sell A Home In The Next Few Months!

I'm dusting off my crystal ball, ready to predict the real estate future!! Just kidding, but with all the talk about the real estate market ups, downs and unknowns – I really wish we could!

I heard a prediction that is worth thinking about if you are in the market to buy or sell a home in the next few months:

What we know is that interest rates are up and buyers are slowing down. Affordability is going up, causing buyers to back off a bit. With less people wanting to move, volume will come down.

Things slow down = less people moving = less appreciation. When this happens builders get spooked and are afraid to keep building.

With the help of the government during election years, rates will probably normalize sending buyers back into the market. BUT, now we’re stuck because builders stopped building because they were scared!

Everyone is talking about the bubble. There is a ton of equity in homes, with so little supply and so much demand. We need more housing, but builders are slowing down. This might be the right opportunity to buy now and then wait for the market to bounce back to where it was just a few months ago.

Again, this is just one prediction. Each situation is personal and unique. Reach out to The HBB Group and let one of our agents help you sort through what the best move is for you right now and go from there.

Have a great day!